CTC- Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación (CTC) (Spain)
Company description:
CTC-Spain is a private non-profit research organization, which is recognized by the Spanish Government as an Innovation and Technological Centre (CIT- 51) and an Office of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI 150), and it is declared of Public Use (INT 445/2004 Order dated January 15th). CTC’s main aim is to promote research, innovation, competitiveness and internationalization of the national agrofood sector. CTC activities are related with technology transfer, training and dissemination. CTC’s labs are accredited under UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard. CTC’s staff is integrated by 26 people, CTC’s scope of work is research, development and innovation in the food sector.
CTC is an association of private companies (more than 100, mainly SMEs). CTC was created in the Organic Chemistry Faculty of the University of Murcia in 1962. Soon it moved to the CEBAS CSIC building. CSIC is the National Bureau for Scientific Research. In 1997 CTC moved to its own facilities. All these relationships makes CTC be in close contact and collaboration with all the research organizations of the Region of Murcia and of course with the regional government and private companies.
Role in the project:
CTC applies its expertise in the valorisation of wastes from food processing industry for the development of new additives. The main tasks developed by CTC are:
- Collaboration with wastewaters providers to determine the best procedure for the sampling an collection of wastewater (WP1)
- Detailed characterisation of wastewater (including compounds of interest) (WP1) to test the suitability and quality of the refined extracts and metabolites as food additives (WP2)